November 21, 2012

First Time at the Zoo

Previously, we had gone to Deanna Rose where Stella got to check out some animals, but today we took her to the actual Sedgwick County Zoo in Wichita where she was exposed to a much larger variety of animals outside the barnyard persuasion.  She lasted a good few hours and seemed pretty interested in the animals, especially the tunnel in the rain forest where the fish swim right in front and over the top of you (top right).

November 17, 2012

Not Stella's 1 Year Birthday Party

Our good friends, the Leaches, had a 1 year birthday party for their daughter today.  They are always creative with their get-togethers and had a The Very Hunger Caterpillar themed party from the adult food to the wall decorations to the cupcake display.  We all enjoyed it.  Stella hasn't been around other kids her age as much as we'd like, so this was a great opportunity for her to socialize.  Above is Stella and the birthday girl post smash cake.