February 21, 2011

Positive Pee Stick

So, there was nothing really different about checking for a positive pregnancy this time compared to all the other times (some might know that Megan is a habitual pregnancy tester).  However, both of us had a feeling this might be it.  Not wanting to get our hopes up, Megan left the stick to do it's thing in the bathroom.  I went and checked it after 10-15 minutes and noticed that there was actually a very faint hint of a line (for this particular test, a single line adjacent to the existing line means it's positive).  Being pretty familiar with pregnancy tests at this point, I innocently told Megan there was a faded line and played it off as if it were a no-go, knowing full well that even a weak hint at a line indicated the pregnancy test was positive.  She jumped up to take a look and quickly corrected me that this was a positive result.  After I reread the pregnancy instructions two more times, I eventually agreed with her.  Megan took another test the next day to confirm hence the two results in the above picture.

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