Unfortunately, at her pediatricians's appointment the next day, her bilirubin levels had not gotten any better. In fact, they had significantly increased, so they admitted us to Children's Mercy. So, yes, after three nights at the hospital for her delivery, we are back at the hospital :(. However, this is the best place to treat these issues, because she can stay in a special incubator where she gets UV treatment around the clock on all sides except for when Megan feeds her. Here she is in her futuristic incubator and sweet goggles:
Different closeup perspective:
After about 24 hours, her bilirubin levels went back down to a manageable level and we were cleared to go home. I definitely received some hardcore training in bottle feeding (to supplement Megan's feeding) and diaper changing inside of a little box. Now, feeding and changing outside of the box seems like a breeze when compared.
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