Megan wakes me up around 3AM telling me she's been having regular contractions for a couple of hours now. Remember, this is about 2 weeks before her due date (9/16). We lay in bed until around 5AM using her iPhone app to record the frequency and duration of the contractions. Finally, after much debating, we decide it's time to go to the hospital. I give my mom an early wakeup call to come over so that Stella can sleep and then go back to their house. After mom got to our house around 5:30AM, we went to the hospital where we played the "admitted or go home" game. I managed to capture Megan's enthusiasm for this quite well (picture on the right). We were there for at least 2 hours until they decided that we would be admitted and we were going to have this baby!
Megan was given an epidural (one of her first requests), but there was a complication with the execution of said epidural. The anesthesiologist made a mistake where too much spinal fluid would be slowly leaking out and would almost definitely cause her to have a spinal headache. While most people see the anesthesiologist once or twice, she became our best friend checking in very regularly to see if there is any way she could make Megan more comfortable. They gave her additional drugs to combat the headache and suggested to lay as flat as possible. Sure enough, within a few hours, Megan started to have neck and headache pain (which we go on for about another day).
Besides the spinal headache snag, everything else went pretty smooth and we were blessed with Charlotte Jane (Charley)'s entrance into the world at 5:28PM. She weighed 8lbs 10oz and was 20.5" long.
Later that evening, my parents brought Stella up to the hospital and she got to finally meet her little sister (something we were all really excited about).
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